Orinoco ...

« The course of the Orinoco, (…) displays three peculiarities well worthy of attention. The constancy with which it turns at the south, the west, and the north ; the situation of it’s sources on ground, which would seem to belong to the basins of the Rio Negro and the Amazon; it’s bifurcation, sending a branch to another system of rivers. » Alexander von Humboldt –Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent 1799-1804
The diversity of constraints, of purposes, of functions and uses involves an increasing complexity.
For each subject, a very specialised knowledge is now required , but global vision is lost.
The solution is to work both on the content and the development of projects. By understanding issues of programs, of technologies, of environment, by translating them and adapting them for each situation, by acting even on the management and relations between key players, we maintain on the projects an overall coherence, essential for their successes.
As a consequence of his exploration of Orinoco, Humboldt discovered many geographical features and species of life, unravelling myriad of Eldorado and rebuild a modern geographical image of the river. In his way, we believe in crossed approaches, deep analysis, wide knowledge, rigorous reporting, adapted answer for each matter, contribution of a widened culture of project, the exact presentation of the results and in the construction of an appropriate answer for each project.

(*) Humboldt's quantitative work on botanical geography laid the foundation for the field of biogeography. February 1800, Humboldt and Bonpland left the coast with the purpose of exploring the course of the Orinoco River, had the important result of establishing the existence of a canal communication between the water-systems of the rivers Orinoco and Amazon, the Casiquiare, and of determining the exact position of the bifurcation, as well as documenting the life of several native tribes.